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     Welcome to the Hrishy Ayurveda !

  Dhanvantari - Lord Of Ayurveda

What is Ayurveda?

It is the 5000 years old time-tested traditional Indian system of medicine. Today, it is marketed only as a lifestyle without giving due importance to its medical i.e. preventive, curative and therapy aspects. Read more.......


How ayurveda benefits for me?

Ayurveda is beneficial for an individual in many ways

  • Ayurveda brings out the hidden Liveliness and Happiness present in a person.
  • Ayurveda gives the knowledge that creates a positive attitude and mind for a healthy and happy living
  • It explains the purpose and the way to live a healthy Life i.e. it recommends the lifestyle, dietary & spiritual regimen best suited for your body, taking into account your individual natural constitution
  • It offers very effective treatment and preventive methodologies for all most all diseases

Which are diseases treated by Ayurveda?

Ayurveda offers very effective natural remedies for most of the common diseases like stress, liver problems, skin diseases, back pain, stomach problems, migraine, gynecological problems, rheumatism and arthritis, neurological problems, insomnia etc. Read more…….

Where can I go for real Ayurveda?

The best place to look for original ayurveda is in India especially in the state kerala. In Hrishy ayurveda center we are providing the service of doctors and therapists from India (kerala). Read more …..

What are Ayurvedic Therapies (massages)?

Ayurveda uses many external and internal therapies like different types of massage, Shirodhara etc for therapeutic and non therapeutic purposes. Read more……….

What is panchakarma?

The combination of five detoxification therapies of ayurveda is known as panchakarma. It detoxifies and rejuvenates the body Read more…

Where can I learn (study) ayurveda?
The best course we recommend you is the 5 year BAMS in a reputed college (like kottakkal) in India. You can do post graduation also after this course. In Hrishy center we are conducting many short term courses like basic course, therapy courses, cooking lessons etc. Read more...

What is Ayurvedic tourism?
This is a type of health tourism which is getting popular now a days. For patients or clients who want to get admitted in an Ayurvedic resort or hospital in India can go for it. Read more......

Where I can buy Ayurvedic products?
There are many companies in India which manufacture Ayurvedic products. In our center you can buy Ayurvedic products and Indian spices. Read more......

What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient Indian science which is as old as the protoplasm of life. Maharishi (saint) Patanjali is known as the father of yoga.
It is a conscious process for gaining mastery over mind, and there by helps to develop innate potentialities, in a balanced manner.




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